2025-26 Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour: Call for Artists, RFP
Artists are invited to participate in the Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour. The Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour is a function of Fine Arts and Cultural Events (FACE) of Mahaska County, a nonprofit that promotes the arts and artworks in and around Oskaloosa. We plan to install 10-12 sculptures throughout Oskaloosa in 2025-26.
Artwork will be installed in late May 2025 and will be on display one year through May 2026. A cash award of $1,200 will be given to artists chosen to participate, $1000 after installation and $200 at pickup. Artists and their work will be promoted in project materials and as part of a media outreach strategy. Assistance with the installation of work may be provided upon request. Locations for artworks will be determined by the size, subject, and appropriateness to its location. An experienced art selection panel will select original sculptures for the Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour. The artist retains ownership of their 3D work and agrees to loan it to the exhibition. Only the highest quality work will be considered for installation. Artworks must be accurately valued between $2,000-$12,500 for this exhibition; the jury will be the final judge as to meeting this requirement.
Application Deadline: November 22, 2024
Installation Deadline: June 1, 2025
Exhibition Opening: June 14, 2025
Sculpture Pick-up: May 1-May 16, 2026
Professional and student sculptors are invited to submit existing sculptures for consideration. Artists must be experienced with the design, construction and installation of outdoor sculpture.
Works will be selected by the Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour Selection Panel. The Panel will use the following selection criteria:
Suitability for family viewing
Display of high quality technical skill, imagination, innovation
Suitability for outdoor display in adverse weather conditions
Soundness of construction, durability and safety of artwork
Artists are responsible for all costs, equipment and labor necessary for the creation, delivery, installation, and removal of their work and assume all risk and damage to their work before and during installation and during and after removal. Assistance with installation may be provided upon request. The sculptures will be insured up to the purchase value of the sculpture after installation while on exhibition. A level, 2000 lb concrete pad will be provided for securing the sculptures. Sculptures must be secured with removable appropriate size “Tapcon” style concrete anchors, and must be removed by the artist at the conclusion of their exhibition cycle.
Artworks need to be in place by June 1, 2025. A penalty will be assessed for late installation.
Work not appropriate for installation onto a 4’x4’ concrete base will be addressed on a case-by-case basis with the artist. The artists will install the work under the supervision of designated individuals affiliated with the Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour. Lighting and power will not be provided at any location. The Artist shall affix their artwork to the pad securely using Tapcon bolts (required)..
Each selected piece of artwork will have a predetermined sale price, up to a maximum of $12,500. The Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour (FACE) may purchase one or more of the exhibited artworks for placement at permanent locations throughout the city. If so chosen, the artist agrees to sell the artwork to FACE for the pre-determined purchase price. The $1,200 stipend provided to the artist will be credited against the purchase price for 3D artworks selected. Artwork must remain on display throughout the duration of the exhibition. For all artwork sold to other parties while on display in the Oskaloosa Sculpture Tour, F.A.C.E. will retain a 25% commission on the sale. If the piece sells and is installed in Oskaloosa within 12 months of participation in the tour, FACE will retain a 15% commission on the sale. In its inaugural year, one-third of the sculptures in the tour were sold and permanently installed in Oskaloosa.
If you are interested in having your work considered, you may submit up to three entries. All artwork must be the original work of the artist. The work must be suitable for outdoor public display. The purchase value of the sculpture must not exceed $12,500.
Artists must submit an application for each entry, which will include:
Image(s) of each sculpture entry with pictorial indications of scale
Dimensions and approximate weight of the sculpture, with a minimum size of at least 6’ in one dimension.
Detailed list of materials used in creating your sculpture
An artist’s statement about the artwork including date of creation
A detailed explanation of how the piece will be secured or anchored when installed (see installation section above)
A brief artist biography outlining credentials and relevant experience with public art commissions
Applications may be submitted starting October 10, 2024, and must be received by Friday, November 22, 2023. Entries should be submitted electronically through the following form OR by email to: oskaloosasculpturetour@gmail.com.