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Meet the Artist Series

Meet the Artist Series

November 18, 2017 2:00-4:00 p.m. Oskaloosa Art Center and Studios

  • 2:00 PM Artist Talks

  • 3:00 PM Reception

The five newest Iowa Arts Council Fellows are crisscrossing the state this year to display and discuss their work with other Iowa artists and arts supporters. So mark your calendar for a “Meet the Artist” event near you, and say hello to:

  • River Breitbach, a musician from the Dubuque area who tours the Midwest and produces a video series about Iowa musicians.

  • Jennifer Drinkwater, a community-art specialist at Iowa State University whose recent projects involve paint and cross-stitch.

  • Jack Meggers, a Des Moines filmmaker who works in various formats, including documentaries and music videos, and is an artist-in-residence at Ballet Des Moines.

  • Lee Emma Running, who teaches art at Grinnell College and transforms natural materials into surprising works of art.

  • Rachel Yoder, an Iowa City writer who podcasts interviews with other writers and publishes a literary journal of first and last drafts.

The Oskaloosa event will also feature local artist Matt Kargol, a sculpture and public artist whose work explores the forces working on constructed and natural forms.

“Iowa has a proven track record of developing talented artists,” Gov. Kim Reynolds said at a ceremony to honor the fellows in July at the State Capitol. “In return, these individuals use their abilities to strengthen our state’s cultural vitality.”

In fact, the state’s nearly 6,000 arts-related businesses employ an estimated 23,000 people – and these five mid-career fellows are among the best. As part of the fellowship, each one receives professional training as well as a $10,000 grant to support new work.

They also have a chance to cross-pollinate their ideas in the “Meet the Artist” series, so please join us. We’d love to see you there.

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